Thank you so much for wearing your masks whilst on site for the last two weeks. This has meant that we have returned to school safely. My main priority is to ensure that we are all safe and that we keep the school open, so thank you.
The mask restriction has now been lifted from Monday 15th November. You will not need to wear a mask whilst on the school site but will need to wear one if you would like to speak with a class teacher or enter the school building to talk to office staff, thank you.
Bubbles, break times, lunchtimes and no whole school assemblies will remain in place for the remainder of the term. I am still looking at Christmas productions to see if there is any way we can lift restrictions for live performances.
A gentle reminder: if you have taken your child for a PCR test, they must NOT come to school until you have the test results back. This way we are making sure that the bubble remains open. If you feel that your child has developed symptoms, please do an LFT or book a PCR test to make sure before sending them into school - thank you for your cooperation in keeping everyone safe.
Bed Time Story
Here at Chiseldon, we would like to try something new. Every Wednesday evening starting on Wednesday 17th November, a member of staff will log on to Teams and children may ask to join to listen to a bedtime story. To kick start this wonderful time, I will be reading the first bedtime story. Children will see me go live at around 17:55 to start the story at 18:00. This should not last more than 20 minutes.
Stars of the Week
Nursery | Marlon S & Zayn I 🤩 |
Reception | Alex W & Chloe A 🤩 |
Year 1 | Dylan O & George H 🤩 |
Year 2 | Charlie S & Rumaisa S 🤩 |
Year 3 | Iyla T & Blake GH 🤩 |
Year 4 | Sidney M & Teddy C 🤩 |
Year 5 | Steven J & Ray G 🤩 |
Year 6 | Farley D & Darcy L 🤩 |
Housepoint Winners
EYFS | Ben S 🥳 |
Key Stage 1 | Mollie C 🥳 |
Lower Key Stage 2 | Teddy N 🥳 |
Upper Key Stage 2 | Finley L 🥳 |
The winning house this week is: St. David
The winning year group for attendance this week, with 99.63% is Year 4
Our whole school attendance is 95.28%, which is 0.92% behind national at 96.2%.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend
Mr A