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Week 6 09/10/23

What a crazy term! 


Well done to all of year 4 for a fantastic term, you have all worked super hard and I am so proud of all of you. 


This week we have started learning about equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles, learning about the properties and how to draw them. We have also been practicing our times tables. In English this week we have been writing our stories based around the Disney short film 'Feast'. They have all worked so hard on them I am very excited to read them all. Well done year 4!


In Topic we have been finishing our animations, looking at editing to improve and writing our evaluations about our short movies. In Science we have been looking at the impact humans have on the environment and the children were very enthusiastic and excited to write their own letters arguing why we should protect our environment. 


This weeks spellings are: 

 Expression, discussion, confession, permission, admission, transmission, possession, profession, depression, impression. 


Have a lovely half term! 
