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w.b 15.01.24

We started the week by finding out about Doctor Martin Luther King and he inspired us to dream about what we want our world to be like: full of kindness, looking after nature, treating everyone equally.


We enjoyed the story "Draw me a star" inspiring us to be artists, creating collage stars and planets.  We were joined by our Yr6 buddies to replicate Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night.  Using chalk, crayons and pencils their collaborative work was breathtaking!


Number 5 was our focus, ask your children how many ways they can make 5, eg 5+0=5, 4+1=5, 3+2=5.  Thank you for sending in baby photos, our display looks great and the children are fascinated by guessing who the baby photos of adults at school are.


Have an awesome weekend and try to spend some time looking at the stars.
