There is a legal entitlement for all three and four years olds to have access to fifteen hours free early education per week - see our Nursery section on our webpage for further details.
A child must legally be in full-time education in the term following their fifth birthday. In Swindon, children can start school at the earliest from the September following their fourth birthday. Full time provision will be made available in all reception classes for all relevant children from September 2013.
Please see the Swindon Borough Council Admissions document below that has information on Admission arrangements, over subscription criteria and other general admission information.
Chiseldon Primary Schools current admission numbers are 30 per year group.
If you are looking to apply for Chiseldon Primary School for your child/ren, then we would welcome you to come and visit the school beforehand. Please contact the school office on 01793 740349 to arrange a visit.
In-Year Transfers
If a parent wishes to transfer their child to another Swindon Authority School then you may pick up an In-Year Transfer form from either Swindon Borough Council or Chiseldon Primary School Office, or printed from here. This then needs to be completed and signed by Mr Spencer Allen (head teacher). It may then be sent off to the Admissions Team at the Swindon Civic Offices.
If a parent living in Swindon wishes to apply for a school outside of Swindon and in another authority, then they must make contact with that authority directly to apply.
The Governing Body will determine the outcome of the application and will notify the parent directly of the result in the form of an offer / refusal letter and of their right to appeal.
Any further information can be at or contact the School Admissions Team on 01793 445500.