If you have any questions for your teacher or would like to provide feedback on something you've observed, please fill out the form below. Teachers will aim to respond within 48 hours. Please note that if your email is sent outside the hours of 8am to 4:30pm, we cannot guarantee a same-day response, but the teacher will get back to you as soon as possible.
Happy New Year everyone, hope you enjoyed a great break!
I am really looking forward to 2025 together; learning, building confidence, new experiences and cultivate relationships. This term our theme is "Battle of Britain," finding out about how our lives compare to those during World War 2. In RE we are learning to understand how celebrating the Passover and keeping Kashrut (food laws) help Jews show God they value their special relationship with Him. Dreams and Goals will be the focus during Jigsaw, having a positive outlook and collaborating with others. Maths will be focussing on the four operations and continuing to consolidate our times tables knowledge. All this plus going swimming on Tuesdays, a visit to Pizza Express for food technology and our class assembly on Thursday 6th February.
Please provide a named PE kit (PE on Wednesdays), named clear water bottle, named wellington boots (for OPAL), a named coat, as our weather is so changeable and their house badge pinned securely.
With regards to homework, children are expected to:
I will update the class page once a week to celebrate all the amazing learning the children have been part of, so please take a look. We also will put achievements on the school Facebook page, so make sure you are able to access this.
Communication is key, so please use the "contact the teacher" form, catch me at the door or leave a message at the office. Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much!
Mrs Brock