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Our House System

Our House System


Allocation of Houses

The school is divided into four houses: St. George (red); St. Patrick (green); St. David (yellow); and St. Andrew (blue).  Children shall be allocated a house when they start Nursery, join the school in Reception, or when they join the school at a later stage.  Where possible children of the same family will be allocated the same house (unless they request otherwise) whilst ensuring that the number of children is fairly balanced between each house.  Every child will be given a coloured badge that represents its house – if this is lost it can be bought for 80p from the office.


Captains and Vice Captains

At the end of the academic year Y5 children (who will be going into Y6) will be given the opportunity to complete an application to nominate themselves as Captains or Vice Captains.  The SLT team will interview children who have completed the application process.


The SLT will decide on the final Captain and Vice Captains after consultation with the class teacher.  The Captains and Vice Captains will wear a badge to show their position in the school.  Captains and Vice Captains will be expected to:

  • Bring their House into assembly quietly and sensibly.
  • Sit at the front of their house at assembly (on a red chair) and encourage good behaviour from their house.
  • Be an example of exemplary behaviour and attitude.
  • Help in the dinner hall on Fridays.
  • Stand at the front of Friday’s sharing assembly with their flag.
  • Help on reward days
  • Organise House competitions.
  • Be a buddy to younger children in their House.
  • Propose and represent ideas from their House ideas that will improve the House System.


Captains or Vice Captains whose behaviour or attitude is not a good example to others will be asked to stand down from the captaincy or vice captaincy.


Awarding House Points

Any member of staff can award House Points to any child, at any time and for any reason if they are following the school’s values and behaviour policy (see achievement types and points).  Going above and beyond.  There are photos of examples of going above and beyond around the school.  If a child has been identified for going above and beyond, they will be given a coloured token that represents their house.  This token is worth 10 house points.  An APP message is sent home to parents informing them that their child has received house points.


Each week there will be a school value that is being highlighted and announced in Monday’s assembly.  If children are seen to be trying to demonstrate this value, they will receive a token (in their house colour) and this has a value of 10 house points.


The Headteacher can also award a Golden House Point.  This is for consistently demonstrating an exemplary attitude to learning.  These will be awarded when the headteacher walks around the classrooms and have a value of 20 house points.  Again, a message is sent home from the HT.


House points will also be awarded for participating in or winning House Competitions.  These will be set with each competition.


Recording House Points

All house points are recorded on ScholarPack and an app message is always sent home to celebrate the children’s achievements.


Houses will be displayed in the hall with a running total updated each week so that children can see which house is in the lead.


Rewarding Winning Houses

The House Captains and Vice Captains will stand at the front of Friday’s assembly with their flags ready to celebrate the win.  There will be a weekly, termly, and annual winner, as well as an annual award.


Weekly Award: At the end of each Friday assembly the weekly winners will be announced.  The captain and vice-captain will raise their house flag on the flagpole at the front of the school.  Their reward will be to have their lunch first on the following Friday and select the play area that playtime.


½ Termly Reward (October, February, May): these will be given when the House reaches the following amount of points during a term:

  • More than 500 points – 15 minutes of extra playtime on the first dry playtime of the next week.
  • More than 1000 points – all the children will receive a pencil in their House colour.
  • More than 1500 points – non uniform day on the following Friday.


Termly Awards (December, April): The house that has earned the most points over a term will be given the choice from the following rewards.  The Captains and Vice Captains will choose the award.  The choice of different awards given to the children will be dependent upon staffing availability, weather, and financial constraints.

  1. Watch a DVD on the big screen with choc ices/ice lollies and popcorn.
  2. Have a crafts and computers afternoon with biscuits and juice.
  3. Afternoon of outdoor play with biscuits and juice.
  4. School Parliament to decide this one.


Annual Award (July): The House who has earned the most points over the year shall … (this will be decided yearly by School Parliament, after discussion with class councils. 


When the winning House are being given their rewards, it is important that the children who are not involved are participating in normal classroom activities and not anything that could be interpreted as a ‘treat.’


Consultation with Pupils

Every year the School Parliament will be given the opportunity to review the rewards and propose new rewards.


Meeting Behaviour and Attitude Standards

The expectation is that children and adults will be loyal to their House and try their best to earn points for their House by displaying good behaviour and attitudes.  If children are consistently getting warnings and are consequently not contributing points to their House, then they will be temporarily removed from their House. 

An individual behaviour plan will be drawn up with SLT, CT, Parent, and child with clear targets.  Once they have met the targets, they will be able to re-join their house.

