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Priority 4: To strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of leadership and management across the school with a sharp focus on the development of middle leadership and working with collaboration with like minded Swindon schools.

Leaders & Governors have a deep, accurate understanding of the school's effectiveness informed by views of parents, pupils and staff.
  • Regular timetable of governor visits & meetings to view progress against SDP
  • Governor learning walks - termly
  • GB use on-line training via The Key & NGA Gold as appropriate to enhance skills
  • Regular meetings with Key Subject groups to hold groups to account.
Team leaders to have a deep and accurate understanding of their subject area & their extended impact in raising standards for whole school development
  • Coaching focus from partners/hubs throughout the Borough
  • Key CPD centre to aid subject pedagogy
  • Monitoring timetable gives opportunities for feedback for high standards
  • Termly meetings to discuss pedagogy and reflect on impact across the school
  • Performance management targets for middle leaders reflect expectations of effective leadership.
To empower all staff to excel & develop through participation in quality research & professional development networks
  • Team leads to participate in Hub meetings through the Borough, eg, writing champions
  • The Key CPD centre to be used bu all staff to keep up-to-date with current pedagogy
  • Staff to become members of the Chartered College of teaching.
To enhance staff knowledge and understanding of their own mental health and emotional well-being
  • CPD around mental health with SEMH support in place
  • Mindfulness embedded into the curriculum/timetable for staff and pupils
  • Train staff in a variety of resilience building activities to improve in-class support.

