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w.b 18.09.23

Another full week, with so much rain!  All Unicorns should have a reading book to read every day at home, even if there are no words, encourage the children to tell a story using the pictures.  Remember to log each time on BoomReader.


Our story "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" inspired us to generate our own ideas for what animals we would want to see, ranging from blue butterflies to purple jellyfish!  We decorated Gingerbread men from Shrek to go on display in the hall for everyone to enjoy.

EYFS in Hollywood

Sharing our Show and Tell

As part of RE about Special People, we talked about who our role models are.  Such lovely comments about family and how the children want to be like them.  Talk at home about who your role models are so the children understand what qualities make a good role model.

Next Tuesday we have our Sweden day, so don't forget to wear blue and yellow like the flag.  Have a fabulous weekend.
