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Our Curriculum

Our curriculum here at Chiseldon Primary and Nursery school is both creative and thematic in its approach.  It is designed to match the requirements of the National Curriculum through 'Themes.'


We believe that we need to build and give our pupils the best start to their educational journey, so from the start, we make sure that children 'crack the reading code' as quickly as they can through our robust phonics programme.  We then build on this, so that pupils develop a love of reading adn read fluently.  This way, they are able to access the wider curriculum.  Read more from our early reading section on the website:


We use a one book approach for learning opportunities, this way children realise the importance of writing across the curriculum.  Our children are scaffolded in their writing with teachers modelling quality text and quality sentence structure, embedding grammar within lessons.  Our spelling programme has just been introduced and children look at previous learning to then build on with current learning.  Our writing is based on 'The Write Stuff' approach, read more on the website:


Here at Chiseldon, we make sure that children are taught the fundamentals in Mathematics as this establishes a solid foundation to build up children's problem solving and reasoning skills.  If children have not mastered the fundamentals in maths, they cannot truly achieve the more complex mathematics later in life.  Number bonds, Number, Place Value, and times tables build these fundamentals and establish our core mathematics approach.  Read more on the website:


Leaders believe in providing the children of Chiseldon more than just the National Curriculum and believe that we should make memories that last children a life time and inspire them to learn further. 


Right from nursery our children learn German and begin their journey in our linguistic programme.  This helps them master areas of speaking and listening and prepares them for future learning.  We foster a fun approach by using puppets.  We use our link school in Berlin to build relationships and children in Year 6 start writing letters in German and English.  In term 4, our penpals visit our school and we return the visit during term 6, when we spend a week in Berlin and immerse our learning in the school and look at historical aspects of Berlin.  Read more on the website:


Our dedicated PE programme makes sure that our children are healthy and active throughout.  Children perform a HIIT and run a mile every day.  They also learn to swim in every year group from Y1 to Y6.  Swindon Wild Cats teach our children how to ice skate and this contributes to their PE experience, some children have gone on to develop their skills further and are trained by British champions.  Read more on the website:


The Arts are also important to the leadership team of the school and so every child from Y1 upwards learn a musical instrument.   From the Ukelele, African drums, recorders, trumpet, and clarinet children learn to read music, perform and thrive in this area of the curriculum.  Read more on the website:

