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Year 2

Contact the Class Teacher

If you have any questions for your teacher or would like to provide feedback on something you've observed, please fill out the form below. Teachers will aim to respond within 48 hours. Please note that if your email is sent outside the hours of 8am to 4:30pm, we cannot guarantee a same-day response, but the teacher will get back to you as soon as possible.

Welcome to Phoenix Class

Year 2

Phoenix Class


Term 1


Hope you all had a lovely summer break!


This term our topic is Superhero Academy - We will look at what makes a real-life superhero, design our own class superhero, investigate real-life super powers in the natural world, design superhero logos and costumes, create sound effects for our heroes using different instruments and design and create our own comic strips. 


PE this term is on Tuesday afternoons. Please can you ensure your child has their PE kit in school on this day. (trainers/daps, shorts/jogging trousers and house T-shirt) 


Could an outside weather appropriate coat be in school each day as the ethos of OPAL is that we are out at playtime in all weathers, and if your child wishes they can leave a pair of wellies at school for playtimes.


Homework - The expectations for homework in Year 2 are as follows.  We follow the schools homework policy which can be found on the website.  The children will be expected to complete both Doodle Maths and Doodle Spell during the week. Spellings will be via the Doodle Spell application and will be tested on a Friday.  Work from Doodle Maths will be tailored to your child and where they are within the Maths curriculum.  Reading is also expected as this will compliment the sounds being taught during our daily phonics sessions.


If you have any questions or queries then please either speak to me at the door, or email via the website.


Mrs Harris smiley

Year 2 SATs will be undertaken the week beginning 20th May 2018. For KS1 the children will sit tests in Maths, Reading and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. In Year 2 the SATs are much more informal than those in Year 6. They are undertaken in small groups and there is no time pressure. SATs results inform the Teacher Assessment judgements made in July, but do not dictate them. We have attached a DfE leaflet for further information. If you have any questions please come in and see us.

Year 2 Common Exception words (If used, must be spelt correctly)
