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Reading Curriculum Intent


At Chiseldon we believe the link between reading and writing is strong and reading is prioritised as an intrinsic part of teaching and learning.  We understand that the skill of reading allows pupils to access all areas of the curriculum as well as the world around them.  We also believe that reading should bring pleasure and experiences that cannot be achieved elsewhere; entering new worlds, meeting people from history and understanding a range of viewpoints and emotions. 


Reading Curriculum Implementation

Reading is taught across the curriculum and is embedded within a range of subjects.  Explicit reading sessions are taught across the week and may include a focus on a specific text or maybe part of reading to support another subject e.g. Science, History.  Planned reading sessions (Book Talk) aim to develop an understanding of a text, as well as encourage improved fluency when reading for pleasure or to support learning in other areas.  We actively take the opportunity to develop children's understanding of vocabulary, across both fiction and non-fiction texts, as well as linking their understanding of vocabulary to other curriculum areas including topics and spelling patterns.

Research shows that children who read daily develop reading fluency and become more confident able writers at a quicker rate.  Therefore, we believe that the most important thing parents can do at home, to help their children achieve at school, is to share books with them.

We encourage children to read daily at home and try to ensure that those who do not get a daily read at home have one in school.  All children's reading is celebrated individually with our '30 reads' prizes being given by the Head and Deputy Head.

Book Talk - The Reading Rainbow

Book Talk

Children read a carefully selected, engaging text for one session a week, this focuses on accuracy, reading with expression as well as reading for meaning and also gives them a chance to get 'excited' about books. We then continue to develop their understanding of the reading through three further Book Talk sessions focusing on 'The Reading Rainbow'  where discussion of the text is a key element.  Following the discussion the children write about an aspect of the text each week using the 'STYLISTICS' and 'ANALYTICS', these look in depth at; the language used, its purpose, similarities to other texts, the impact of the text on the reader, as well as giving them the opportunity to voice their own opinions. 

The Love of Reading

As a school we also share our love of reading at the end of the day, where every class sits and staff share a class reading book, these are high quality texts that allow us to model our enthusiasm for reading and create magic and excitement around the special joy of reading a good book. This time also allows children to enjoy and understand texts beyond their own reading ability, conditions the brain to associate reading with pleasure and plants a desire to read.

The Reading Impact

Children at Chiseldon will have a clear view of how to articulate and demonstrate their understanding of what they are reading.  Pupils will have the critical language to express themselves and use appropriate book based language.  This will be coupled with children becoming life-long readers who choose to read for pleasure.  We believe in the development of a sustainable reading culture, underpinned by a whole school commitment, which is understood and supported by the full school community.

Reading Curriculum
