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Year 5

Contact the Class Teacher

If you have any questions for your teacher or would like to provide feedback on something you've observed, please fill out the form below. Teachers will aim to respond within 48 hours. Please note that if your email is sent outside the hours of 8am to 4:30pm, we cannot guarantee a same-day response, but the teacher will get back to you as soon as possible.

Welcome to Sphinx Class 


Welcome back to Term 3, Year 5.  I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break and enjoyed spending time with family and friends. 


This term, our topic is called 'Where in the World...?' We are going to be learning about the water cycle, different rivers and bodies of water around the world and why settlements were found near water. This will also tie in nicely with our Science work where we will be learning about states of matter. In English, we will be learning how to write an autobiography and in Book Talk we will be reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. For more information, take a look at the topic overview below. 


PE and Music

This term, you will have music on a Monday afternoon where you will continue to learn the clarinet. PE will also take place on a Monday afternoon after music so it is important that PE kits are in school from the beginning of the week as well as trainers for the Daily Mile. 



Homework comprises of reading, spelling and maths. You must read your book for 20 minutes (or more!) each day and record this on the Boom Reader App. It may be that you read a range of texts at home too but you must bring in your school reading book daily so that an adult can hear you read and discuss the book with you. 

New weekly spellings will go live on Doodle Spell every Friday for a test the following Friday. Please remember to practise your 48 spellings for the Spelling Bee at the end of Term 4. 

It is really important to display a positive attitude towards homework, but if you have any problems, please do get in touch. 


Many thanks


Mrs Knott








