Religious Education
Every maintained school in England must provide a basic curriculum. This includes provision for RE for all registered pupils at the school except for those withdrawn by their parents in accordance with Schedule 19 to the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.
At Chiseldon Primary we believe that RE plays an important role in preparing pupils for adult life, employment and lifelong learning. It helps children and young people become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. It gives them the knowledge, skills and understanding to discern and value truth and goodness, strengthening their capacity for making moral judgements and for evaluating different types of commitment to make positive and healthy choices.
At Chiseldon Primary School we use an enquiry-based approach to teaching and learning throughout the school. Through this approach, children learn not only knowledge but also develop an understanding of the world of religion and how beliefs impact on daily lives. Christianity is the main religion of the indigenous population so is taught in every year group whilst Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism are also covered.
The children at Chiseldon Primary enjoy learning about other religions and why people choose, or choose not to follow a religion. Through their R.E. learning, the children are able to make links between their own lives and those of others in their community and in the wider world, developing an understanding of other people’s cultures and ways of life. As such, R.E. is invaluable in an ever changing and shrinking world.