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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

I am so sorry that you have not had a blog for a couple of weeks and that you have been waiting for me.  Thank you for waiting.


As we are coming to the end of the term, you should have received your child's term report.  This is to indicate how well they are getting on since the parent meeting in October.  If you have not received a report, please come to the school office and we can check to ensure that we have the correct email address for you.


I hope you enjoyed all the pictures on Facebook with the children enjoying spending time with the animals.  I know they had an amazing time - thank you kindly to the parents who organised and paid for this wonderful opportunity.


Our youngest children started our Christmas celebrations with a wonderful nativity.  It definitely made me very Christmassy and I want to start looking forward to the Big Day.


Next week is our final week of term as we break for Christmas on Friday 15th December.  The school closes at 1pm.  There are no teacher clubs on this day but the After School Care is open as usual until 6pm.  Just to remind you that 2nd January is a teacher training day, and therefore, the children are not in school.  All children come back to school on 3rd January 2024.


Consultation for joining Brunel Academies Trust

Thank you to all the parents who came to the meeting on Wednesday, it was great to see you there and you were asking some great questions.  Thank you also to the parents who have emailed in, they also were very insightful questions.  Parents have until Friday 15th December to put in their views about joining the MAT, but thus far, we have had some positive feedback.  If you want any more information or you want to ask me a question, please email me: or if you would like to email the Chair of Governors, please email  If you would like to email Miss Jackie Fieldwick, who is the CEO of Brunel Academies Trust, you can by emailing: 


ScholarPack to Arbor

There will be an email coming out to you before the end of the term explaining why we are moving our system from ScholarPack to Arbor.  This is not something that we planned on doing but Arbor has bought out ScholarPack and is now slowing down their service and support for this service.  Please see the email next week regarding what parents need to do to be prepared for when we come back in January.


Stars of the Week

EYFS Arabella C & Jaziel D 🤩
Year 1 Olivia M & Travis F 🤩
Year 2 Amy Grace C & Chizi N 🤩
Year 3 Benjamin RP & Reuben J 🤩
Year 4 Jibril S & Grace C 🤩
Year 5 Aurora Joan CM & Oliver M 🤩
Year 6 Rosie M & Eymen T 🤩

Well done to all of you for working hard during the final weeks of term.


Housepoint Winners

EYFS Arthur H 🥳
Key Stage 1 Sebastian P 🥳
Lower Key Stage 2 Jasper M 🥳
Upper Key Stage 2 Imogen D 🥳

Well done on earning lots of housepoints for your house.


The winning house this week with 467 points is St. Patrick 🇮🇪


The winning house this term will select their celebration next week.  The winning house with 3904 points is St. Patrick 🇮🇪


Top Doodlers

I am in shock and awe with the following children who have managed a massive 500+ day streak.  I cannot believe that you have not missed a single day in well over a year.  What a super job.  Well done to:

Jack Taylor

Sebastian Plumstead

Imogen Davies


The following children have achieved amazing streaks:

Hugh Rogers for 365 days in Spell

Logan Curtis for 100 days in Maths &

Jasper Maybury for 100 days in Maths and Spell.


Maths: Year 4

Spell: Year 4



The winning class this week with 97.49% attendance is Year 5!  Well done on being in school regularly.


Whole school attendance is 95.39%  Remember, every day counts and we must be in school.  We are just above national, so we must keep working together to improve our attendance,


In other news...

As we enter the final week before we break for Christmas, everything is going on.


6pm KS1 Christmas Show.  If you have not purchased your ticket yet, please see the office on Monday.


6pm KS2 Christmas Show.  If you have not purchased your ticket yet, please see the office.


6pm KS2 Christmas Show.


Christmas jumper day

Christmas dinner, please purchase on ParentPay.

Christmas disco - this is free but they may want £1 for sweets & a drink (15:25 - 17:00).  They will already be in non-school uniform with their Christmas jumper.


Last day of term.  There are no teacher clubs, so school finishes at 13:00.  After School Care is open until 18:00 as normal.


I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week.


Mr A 




