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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

Good morning everyone,

It was lovely to see some of you at the Cenotaph this morning to remember those who gave so much.


It has been a busy week, but the children have all returned to school after the half-term break.  We are learning lots and preparing for Christmas already, as we do break up rather early this year 15th December.  


If you have not signed up for the sleepover on 24th November, there is still plenty of time.  This gives you an evening to spend together or go shopping for early Christmas gifts.  Children come to school at 18:30 and you pick them up the next morning at 08:00.  They would have all had some breakfast and will be very tired.


This week we have a new award.  Mrs Perre's OPAL award.  Look at the fantastic job she did in creating a smashing trophy (see pictures) - the children loved it!


Stars of the Week

EYFS Theodore I & Hunter T 🤩
Year 1 Samuel T & Lucas O 🤩
Year 2 Imogen L & Eva D 🤩
Year 3 Louis F & Tristan B 🤩
Year 4 Ryker H & Alfie R 🤩
Year 5 Neve D & Thomas C 🤩
Year 6 George G & Ellie D 🤩

Super effort, well done to all of you.


Housepoint Winners

EYFS Tobias S 🥳
Key Stage 1 Oliver L 🥳
Lower Key Stage 2 Mackie C 🥳
Upper Key Stage 2 Alfie C 🥳

Well done on earning lots of housepoints for your house.


The winning house this week with 405 housepoints is St George 🇬🇬 🏆 

2nd  St Patrick

3rd  St David

4th  St Andrew


Top Doodlers

Well done to Tobias S for achieving a 50-day streak in Maths and to Alfie C for achieving a 100-day streak also in Maths.


Maths: Year 3 🧮

Spell: Year 4 📝


OPAL Award

The winning class this week and deserved winners of the Golden Welly trophy, is Year 4 



This week's winning class with 96.57% is Year 3 🏆 Super job at being in school regularly.


Whole school attendance is 95.66%.  We do need to keep above 95%, so remember everyone, every day counts in our learning journey.


In other news...

Next week will kick off the week with our Anti-bullying week.  To help us celebrate this, we have booked a local artist who is going to be working with every class to create a sculpture to help us remember and celebrate Anti-bullying.


Year 4 are off to their PGL residential trip - have a super time and we will see you on Wednesday when you get back.


We also have our Maths week starting - as this is a national event.  If children stay in the green and are in the green on Friday, they will have a hot chocolate to celebrate -so get doodling.


On Tuesday we have a football match at school against Lethbridge - good luck to our team, let us hope we win.


And on Thursday some of our KS2 children are performing at the Wyvern at the KS2 Christmas Voice Festival.  I cannot wait to go and see them in action.


Have a super weekend, at least it is sunny today.


Mr A


