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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

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The weeks are just flying by.  This week we have seen snow arrive in Chiseldon and the children thoroughly enjoyed playing in the snow, which is vital for them to experience.  This will help them grow in language skills and be able to write about the experiences they have encountered.  Deciding to make 200 hot chocolates, however, was more of a challenge and sometimes, maybe I need things to filter through my mind 😂


This week we are working on our behaviour principles further so that our pupils are very clear about the behaviour we expect, from using their manners to walking down the corridor.  Once we have updated this, we will send it out to you so that you know how we are doing this at school.


Stars of the Week

Nursery Tommy C & Alex S 🤩
Reception Oliver L & Elena F-K 🤩
Year 1 Freddie C & Imogen L 🤩
Year 2 Sophie K-P & Molly M 🤩
Year 3 Darian S & Alfie R 🤩
Year 4 Elisey G & Cledwyn M 🤩
Year 5 Beau D & Ewan C 🤩
Year 6 Thor T & Laila H 🤩
Computing Eymen T 🤩


Well done to all of you for your hard work.  You can see some of it here


Housepoint Winners

EYFS Natalia L 🥳
Key Stage One Jack T 🥳
Lower Key Stage Two Navam C 🥳
Upper Key Stage Two George G 🥳


Well done for earning lots of points for your house.


The winning house this week with 335 housepoints is St. David 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

2nd  St. Patrick

3rd. St. Andrew

4th. St. George


Top Doodlers

Maths: Year 5

Spelling: Year 2


Well done to George G for achieving a 150-day streak in both Maths and Spell - super work.



The winning class with 100% attendance this week, is Year 1 🏆 well done to everyone for being in school every day.


Whole school attendance is 94%; 1% to meet our lower target this year of 95%, come on everyone we can do this.


In other news...

Next week, I am excited to say that we have Creative Hut working with Key Stage Two - this is looking at lego robotics as part of our STEM work.

Year 2 is off on a trip to the Black Country Living Museum - how exciting!  And on Friday it is St. Patrick's Day, so anyone in this house can come to school in something green.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday


Mr A
