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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

I am not sure where this week has gone.  I am sending a virtual hug to all our pupils who currently have chicken pox.  I hope that you are not feeling too poorly with this and are looking forward to being back in school.


I am really pleased to share a link to a book titled, Auntie Margie, Onion Bhaji by Paul Patel (a parent of our school).  How exciting: Children's Book by Paul Patel


I am just looking at ways we can present the children's work that have achieved during our sharing assembly so that you are able to see the high quality work that the children are presenting.  You can see Esther's writing and Hunter's artwork by clicking Here: Sharing Assembly 25.11.2022  It would be good to have some feedback about presenting pupil’s work like this and if you find it beneficial.


Stars of the Week

Nursery Tommy C & Hunter T 🤩
Reception Corey B & Muhammad A 🤩
Year 1 Eva D & Sebastian P 🤩
Year 2 Tristan B & George H 🤩
Year 3 Nathan K & Ryker H 🤩
Year 4 Oliver M & Iyla T 🤩
Year 5 Alfie C & Sidney M 🤩
Year 6 Esther BM & Zachary M 🤩


Super job.  You have all achieved great things this week and your teacher’s have recognised your journey.  


Housepoint Winners

EYFS Colby D 🥳
Key Stage One Sophie KP 🥳
Lower Key Stage Two Phoebe D 🥳
Upper Key Stage Two George G 🥳


That’s amazing - you have all added to your house.  3 of you are in St. Patrick’s and 1 in St. David’s house - well done for adding to your house points.


The winning house this week is St Patrick’s 🏆

2nd: St Andrew

3rd: St David

4th: St George


Well done to everyone, as over 1300 housepoints have been earned this week.


Top Doodling Classes

Maths: Year 2 🧮

Spelling: Year 5 📖



The winning class with 95.6% is Year 5 🏆 Well done for making every day count!  The best way to learn, is to be in school.


Whole school attendance is 95.24%.  Obviously all our poor Y1 pupils with chicken pox are affecting this overall %.  We wish you all well Y1! 


In other news…


St. Andrew's Day, children in this house can come to school in something blue and non-uniform.



Y6 small schools football tournament.

14:45 Y5 Class Assembly, parents welcome to come in and watch the performance.


I hope you have a lovely weekend.


Mr A
