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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

Welcome back.

I hope that you had a lovely break and are now ready for the build-up to Christmas, I know, I've said the C word.  Christmas in school begins on December 1st when our Christmas tree arrives in school.  You can see all the Christmas celebration activities on the school calendar, which can be found on the website or the old-school app.


School APP

Although we have switched apps for communication, messages, reporting an absence, and keeping your details up to date; we are still giving you access to the old app for quick reference to the HT blog, calendar, and website.  It means you can have both apps.  We are not paying for the communication aspect of the old app as it was becoming too expensive and we get the new app as part of our registration system.


If you have not downloaded the new app yet, you are looking for ScholarPack Parents in your app provider.  Once you have downloaded the app, you will need a code that was sent out in an email.  If you cannot find the email, drop me an email and I can send over the access code for you.


Stars of the Week

Nursery Daisy R & Terrance-James S 🤩
Reception Oscar P & Oliver L 🤩
Year 1 Sebastian S & Grace W 🤩
Year 2 Brody GH & Numa L 🤩
Year 3 Jack P & Naveena C 🤩
Year 4 Blake GH & George T 🤩
Year 5 Teddy C & Sophie D 🤩
Year 6 Freya H & Ruban N 🤩


Fantastic job, well done on achieving this week's star of the week.


Housepoint Winners

EYFS Ronnie F 🥳
Key Stage One Mackie C 🥳
Lower Key Stage Two Imogen D 🥳
Upper Key Stage Two Teddy C 🥳

What a great job, achieving the most housepoints this week - well done.


The winning house this week, with 436 housepoint is St. David's 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 - come along and see their flag flying at the front of the school.


2nd: St Patrick

3rd: St George

4th: St Andrew


Top Doodling Class Spelling & Maths

Maths - Y3

Spelling - Y3

Well done to our Y3 class for being the top doodlers this week.  This means logging in daily to complete your homework. 



Whole school attendance is 96.09%, which has fallen slightly behind national.  Remember, being in school every day counts.  Missing one day means that you have missed 9 sessions of learning.


This week's attendance superstars with 97.31% is Year 5 🏆 well-done everyone for trying to be in school every day.  


School Clubs

I have emailed out today a list of clubs that are available this term.  Just a reminder that clubs do not start the first week back as this is when we organise the different clubs that are on offer.  Once you have selected the club, please email Mrs Embling, who will place your child in a club.


In other news...

Next week we are taking the whole school to the cenotaph on Friday to join in with the community to celebrate remembrance day.


I hope you have a lovely weekend.


Mr A


