What a fantastic end to the term with our pupils participating in a fashion show. If you missed it, you missed a real treat! All the t-shirts that the children wore for the show are going on display until Christmas, so they will bring these home as we break for the Christmas holiday.
I am just editing the photos and I will display as many as I can - not all the photos have come through as the children were very fast on the stage. But I am so proud that every child managed to walk down the catwalk in front of such a big audience, even our 2-year-olds.
Stars of the Week
Nursery | Marlon S & Harrison T 🤩 |
Reception | Lucas O & Olivia M 🤩 |
Year 1 | Molly B & Amber E 🤩 |
Year 2 | Mackie C & Niamh C 🤩 |
Year 3 | James W & Tayla P 🤩 |
Year 4 | Beatrice WT & Aurora-Joan CM 🤩 |
Year 5 | Brooke C & Poppy R 🤩 |
Year 6 | Ava TA & Jack T 🤩 |
Housepoint Winners
EYFS | Eleanor T 🥳 |
Key Stage One | Bella-Rose B 🥳 |
Lower Key Stage Two | Kanyenna N 🥳 |
Upper Key Stage Two | Ewan C & Esmae D 🥳 |
Well done everyone - you are working hard in making sure your house earns plenty of points.
This week's winners are St. Andrew 🏴
2nd: St. David
3rd: St. Patrick
4th: St. George
Doodle Learning
This week's top doodling classes are:
Maths: Y2 🧮➗⁒
Tables: Y3 ✖️✓
Spelling: Y5 📝
Well done to all the classes.
Over the October half term, we are looking for the top doodlers. We will be celebrating the top doodlers on the first Monday back.
The winning class with 100% this week is Y4 - a super job at being in school every day 😊
The whole school attendance is 96.29%! A super job, we are now in line with the national, which is a great effort from everyone. Let us see if we can get to 98% by Christmas.
Swindon has launched its attendance campaign to help every child receive the best education in our town. if you are struggling with attendance, the link below is from SBC and has some tips for you.
Helping with School Attendance
In other news...
Remember the first Monday back is Halloween and we are allowing the children to bring in a costume so that they can change in the afternoon. They need to come to school in uniform, please. I will send out an APP reminder on Sunday.
Y4 PGL Trip
Remember to pack all the things on the kit list and bring your suitcase into your classroom on the first day back, you are off for an exciting adventure for a few days.
I hope you have a lovely half-term break. We come back to school on Monday 31st October.
Best wishes
Mr A