As we enter our final week of term, I would like to remind parents that you are invited to school to work with your child during our Topic Celebration event. This takes place on Thursday from 14:30 until the end of the school day.
The children have been working extremely hard looking at their designers and have thought about a design inspired for their own t-shirt. School has purchased every child a t-shirt, which they will create their design. Although this will be displayed throughout Term 2, the children can take them home after the Christmas break.
School APP
As you know we tried to launch the new APP before the summer break which had lots of problems. We have been working with the provider as this links to our register system, hence why we wanted to change, and also is better value for money.
I am pleased to say it looks like all the issues that we had at the start have been ironed out and we should be able to launch this again after the October break.
You will be able to report an absence, update your details, look at your child's attendance, and update dietary info, medical, permissions, doctors, and your child's details. We are looking forward to its launch.
Stars of the Week
Nursery | Ronnie F & Kolby L 🤩 |
Reception | Zayn I & David G 🤩 |
Year 1 | Amy Grace C & Alyssa S 🤩 |
Year 2 | Carter R & Jack T 🤩 |
Year 3 | Mollie C & Romeo H 🤩 |
Year 4 | Navam C & Indigo P 🤩 |
Year 5 | Esmae D & Sasha C 🤩 |
Year 6 | Olivia J & Harvey D 🤩 |
Housepoint Winners
EYFS | Phillip C, Mula M, & Colby D 🥳 |
Key Stage One | Grace W 🥳 |
Lower Key Stage Two | Lucas L 🥳 |
Upper Key Stage Two | Sidney M 🥳 |
The winning house this week is St. George 🇬🇬, well-done everyone in this house - super work.
2nd St. David
3rd St. Patrick
4th St. Andrew
We calculate the term this week so that we can make sure the children have the 15 minutes of extra play, the pencil and other rewards if they have enough house points as a team.
1st St. George
2nd St Patrick
3rd St. David
4th St. Andrew
Everyone has earned enough housepoints to have 15 minutes of extra play next week and 3 houses are earnt the pencil with their house written - well-done everyone.
Although the website will keep a track of the yearly housepoints, all houses revert back to 0 for the start of the term. This gives all houses the opportunity to achieve more next term.
Doodle Learning
Doodle Maths champions this week are Reception! Well done everyone in your class for staying in the green ➗🧮✓
We celebrate Doodle Spell for the first time and the champions this week are Y4 & Y5 📝✓
This week I received all the badges and certificates for children that took part and achieved the Doodle Summer Challenge. Never mind if you didn't make it this year, look out for further challenges...
Well done to the following for completing the DoodleEnglish Summer Challenge:
Jack T, Sidney M, William S
Well done to the following for completing the DoodleMaths Summer Challenge:
Esmae D, Ewan C, Freya H, Harley S, Imogen D, Jack T, James W, Jaxon N, Lucas L, Mollie C, Phoebe D, Sade C, Sebastian P, Sebastian S, Sidney M, William S, and Zachary D.
I am very proud of you all 🤩🥳
Whole school attendance is currently 95.91% which is improving over time. Please remember that being in school every day is the best way that your child can maximise their learning.
This week's winner with 98.62% is Y4 - well-done everyone in Y4 for being in school and maximising your learning.
In other news...
Tuesday is our Harvest Festival. If you are able to donate, that is very kind of you and if you are able to keep it to the following that would be even better.
Swindon Food Collective have enough cereal, pasta, tinned soup and baked beans, so please do not donate these items.
If you can spare:
cleaning cloths, household cleaners, laundry pods/powder/liquid, wash-and-go shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, surface cleaners, toilet rolls, shower gel, biscuits, tinned fruit, instant coffee, tinned meat, tinned potatoes, sugar.
Wednesday is our whole school photos - best uniforms and hair done as you wish, please. We will try and help the children look at smart as we can before their shoot.
Tuesday & Thursday are our parent/child meetings with the class teacher. If you have not booked, please make sure you check your email and book a time slot. The idea of this one is to let you know how your child has settled, and what they are currently working on and if they need extra help, staff with share with you an IEP detailing how we are supporting your child.
Wednesday Y4 parents are invited to school at 17:00 if their child is attending the residential to discuss the final arrangements before we break for the end of term.
Thursday at 14:30 is our topic celebration and you are in for a real treat as you come into school to share some learning with your child, then as you sit in the hall, all the children will take part in a fashion show and catwalk their t-shirt design that they have made - how exciting and what a real treat.
Lastly, Friday is the last day of term - clubs all finish at 14:00.
I hope you have a super weekend.
Mr A