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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

I am pleased to hear that children are happy with their next teacher and I must say that Wednesday was a huge success.  Both staff and children have been really positive and I have heard comments like, 'my child is so happy and is looking forward to being in the next year...'


This is why we do transition like this so that children do not worry over the summer holiday about next year and how their teacher will be.  They know, have worked with, and had some fun.


The children have voted for the flag they would like to represent their house from September with the house captains.  Well done Luke R, St. George; Ray G, St. David; Finely L, St. Andrew; Sophie D, St. Patrick.  Each will receive 100 housepoints for a fabulous design.


Stars of the Week

Nursery Teddy S & David G 🤩
Reception Bella-Rose B & Hugh R 🤩
Year 1 George H & Reuben J 🤩
Year 2 Alfie R & Dolly S 🤩
Year 3 George H & Harley S 🤩
Year 4 Sophie D & Callum H 🤩
Year 5 Ray G & Laila H 🤩
Year 6 Reuben BT 🤩


Housepoint Winners

EYFS Arthur WT, Poppy M, Aubree D, & Chloe A 🥳
Key Stage 1 Rumaisa S 🥳
Lower Key Stage 2 George H, Thomas C, & Regina R 🥳
Upper Key Stage 2 Poppy L 🥳


The winning house this week is: St George 🇬🇬 - well-done everyone.

2nd: St. Patrick

3rd: St. David

4th: St. Andrew



The winning class this week is: Y5 with 99.37% - a brilliant job 😊


Whole school attendance currently is: 94.44% which although isn't great, is above the national and the Swindon average, after two lots of COViD hitting our school.  Well done everyone for trying to be in school every day.


Doodle Maths

As you know we celebrate the top doodling class each week and they receive a trophy to have in their class over the following week.  This week's top doodling class is: Y2 & Y5 with 100% of the children staying in the green zone all week.

Way to go you guys, absolutely rocking it


Next Week

Monday sees our EYFS and Key Stage 1 pupils take part in Sports Day.  Why not come along and support your child/ren. EYFS 09:00 - 11:30 & KS1 is 13:30 - 15:15.


Wednesday is the second part of our transition days.  Children come in to school and go straight to their new classrooms, Y6 go straight to the hall.


Thursday is our Key Stage 2 Sports afternoon, so come along and support your child/ren.  13:30 - 15:25 and we announce the winning house for Sports Day.


Friday is our Summer Fair, come along for a fun packed afternoon with BBQ, Bar, Games, Bouncy Castles, and live music - this moves in to our camp out!  If you haven't signed your child up yet, please let us know.  This is a great opportunity to sleep under the stars in a controlled, safe and secure way.


And more...

As we move into the final few weeks we have the following events all booked in for parents.


Monday 11th: Music performance from all our children in Y1 - Y6

Tuesday 12th: Reception and Nursery class assemblies

                        Year 6 Leaver's Play

Thursday 14th: Reports to parents

                         Y6 BBQ & Disco

Monday 18th: EYFS & KS1 Trips

Tuesday 19th: Y3/4 Trip

Wednesday 20th: Y5/6 Trip

Friday 22nd: Y6 Leaver's Assembly (parents welcome) and the last day of the school year.


Hope that helps with getting things into your diary and helping you attend as many of the events that you can make.  


I hope you have a great weekend.


Mr A

