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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

I love a Friday at school, there is always something different going on, and this Friday was no different.  The children smashed dressing up in their PJs and through your kind donations, we have raised £137.25 - well-done everyone.


This week, our Y6 pupils have worked extremely hard to sit their SATs tests, and they were delighted to have finished this week.  After two years of interrupted learning, they worked extremely hard and tried every paper - what more could we ask of our fantastic pupils.  I am so very proud to be your headteacher.


Stars of the Week

Nursery Alexey O & Edward I 🤩
Reception Frankie B & Chizi N 🤩
Year 1 Tristan B & Louis F 🤩
Year 2 Oscar S & Theo R 🤩
Year 3 Isla-Rose S & Regina R 🤩
Year 4 Esmae D & Brooke C 🤩
Year 5 Finley S & Jack T 🤩
Year 6 M R & Iona A 🤩


A brilliant job from all of you - see pictures below.

This week we also shared in the success of 2 pupils who attend the Wroughton Football club, who achieved the Manager and Coach Awards.  Well done Leo B and George H ⚽️

Well done to our Y5 pupils who attended the Dodgeball festival - you all did amazing and look very proud in the photographs.


Housepoint Winners

EYFS Alexey O 🥳
Key Stage One Oscar S 🥳
Lower Key Stage Two Blake GH 🥳
Upper Key Stage Two Charlie J 🥳


This week's winning house is: St. Andrew!  Well done to everyone in this house, who managed to earn 413 housepoints - super!



This week's winners with 99.22% are Nursery!  Well done you guys fabulous stuff.

Whole School Attendance is: 94.33%


Next week...

Our Reception children are off to Pizza Express to learn how to make pizza - how exciting, please bring me back a meat feast.


It is a short week for the children, so enjoy the long weekend and we will see you on Tuesday morning.


Mr A
