A fabulous end to the week! Thank you very much for participating in the Dress-up day for Red Nose Day. The children looked fantastic (see some pictures below). It is so nice to see school getting back to some sort of normal, which is thanks to you as parents for abiding by the rules, thanks to the children for continuing to remain in bubbles, thanks to the staff for going above and beyond in making sure that all children receive the very best during these times.
COViD Next Week
I am going to relax some further rules. We are now not going to be in bubbles for breaktimes. Therefore, the children will be able to mix across bubbles during break time, lunchtime and for Friday assembly. All other restrictions will remain in place for the week.
The Main Entrance
I am going to keep the one-way system in place. I feel that this is much better and allows an in and out system without people having to wait or go on to the mud. Therefore, can I please ask that you come in via the big gates where Mr Hatcliffe and I stand and exit through the small gate by the bike shelter - thank you
Stars of the Week
Nursery | Ocean-May & Arthur H 🤩 |
Reception | Chizi N & Chloe A 🤩 |
Year 1 | Benjamin RP & Brody GH 🤩 |
Year 2 | Oscar S & Ryker H 🤩 |
Year 3 | Thomas C & Bobby A 🤩 |
Year 4 | Jacob L & Teddy C 🤩 |
Year 5 | Harvey D & Poppy L 🤩 |
Year 6 | Thabo M & Rocco D 🤩 |
Housepoint Winners
EYFS | Elena FK 🥳 |
Key Stage 1 | Vanessa P 🥳 |
Lower Key Stage 2 | Jaxon C 🥳 |
Upper Key Stage 2 | Thabo M 🥳 |
The winning house this week is: St Patrick's. Well done everyone in this house.
Attendance: the winners this week, with 97% is Y6 Fantastic.
Whole school attendance is: 94.1%, which is 0.3% above the average for Swindon and 0.3% below national data. Keep going, we are almost in line with the national average, which would be great.
In other news...
I would like to make more of our house system and the senior team are looking at different ways we could do this. We celebrate the houses during celebration assembly and children earn housepoints throughout the week. One of the ways we are thinking is to fly the winning house flag at the front of the school so that everyone knows the winning house.
If you have any suggestions, please let us know by emailing me head@chiseldon.swindon.sch.uk The senior team will discuss all ideas that come through.
The sun looks like it is shining for the weekend and England are playing in the rugby 🇬🇬! May you truly have a wonderful weekend.
Mr A