Wow! What a week that was... Thank you for all your kind comments and wishes during our recent Ofsted visit. The children were amazing! Not only in their behaviour but the way they were extremely polite, courteous, and answered any questions that the inspectors asked.
It should take a few weeks for the report to be written and then I will be able to share with you the key findings and the grade that the school has been given.
COViD Restrictions
As promised, I am starting now to ease some of the restrictions in school. Next week, I am relaxing lunchtime rules. We will no longer be required to remain in bubbles during the lunch hour. As this is outside, I feel that this is a good place to start.
I have also decided that next Friday, the sharing assembly will not be on Teams but we will meet in the hall, as a whole school, if the lunchtime measures have been successful. All other restrictions will remain in place next week.
Stars of the Week
Nursery | Natalia L & Ronnie F 🤩 |
Reception | Inaaya A & Arthur WT 🤩 |
Year 1 | Louis F & Brody GH 🤩 |
Year 2 | Calan D & Mollie C 🤩 |
Year 3 | John H & Courtney R 🤩 |
Year 4 | Rosie M & Samuel W 🤩 |
Year 5 | Sophia B & Charlie F 🤩 |
Year 6 | Charlie H & Ellie C 🤩 |
Housepoint Winners
EYFS | Natalia L 🥳 |
Key Stage 1 | Mackie C 🥳 |
Lower Key Stage 2 | Aurora CM 🥳 |
Upper Key Stage 2 | Esther BM & Charlie H 🥳 |
This week's winning house is St. Patrick's
Attendance: as we try and keep in line with national, I would like to remind parents that if your child does test positive for COViD, they must still isolate from school for at least 5 clear days. If they have a bout of sickness and diarrhoea, they need to remain off school 48 hours from their last bout - thank you for your cooperation in this matter - this way, we are making sure that we are keeping everyone safe and well.
Attendance: 94.19%, which is 0.49% above the attendance figures for Swindon but 0.81% below national figures.
The attendance trophy for this week, with 99.18%, is Year 1 - brilliant job, well done 😊
Next Week...
Our living eggs arrive in EYFS. This is a great opportunity for the children to watch the egg hatch into baby chicks. You will be able to ask your child about having the eggs/chicks in school.
Science week starts with this year's theme, Growth. The children will take part in different science activities all week, so ask your child what they are learning.
Thursday 17th, is St. Patrick's day, so all pupils in this house may come to school wearing something green.
Friday is a double event day as we are celebrating Red Nose Day, plus we will be looking at the Hindu festival Holi. This will be celebrated throughout the school. More details will come out regarding both events.
I do hope that you have a lovely weekend. Come on England 🇬🇬as we take on Ireland 🇮🇪in the rugby.
Have fun
Mr A