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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

Welcome to our first week back.  

The term has begun and it started extremely well with everyone taking part in World Book Day.  It was lovely to see all the children in PJs and share their favourite books.


This term is 6 weeks and we break up for Easter on Friday 8th April 2022.  Attendance is extremely important for every child to achieve the best they can, so please work with us and make sure your child is in school every day.



Attendance is: 94.12% 

This week's winners with 100% are Reception and Year 1.  Well done both classes as this means that you have been in school every day this week.


COViD Restrictions

As mentioned in my APP message to you before we came back to school, we are keeping all restrictions in place for the first two weeks of term.  After this, I will begin to ease restrictions a little each week until we are back to running a 'normal' school day.  Therefore, if your child does show any symptoms of COViD, please keep them off school and complete a test, letting us know the test result.  If your child tests positive, they will need to stay off school for at least 5 clear days and have two negative test results before returning to school.


Pop-up Museum at School

On Monday 7th March, Swindon Museum and Art Gallery are bringing a pop-up museum to our school.  How exciting!  This will give staff and children at the school a unique opportunity to see some original 1200-year-old Anglo-Saxon artefacts found on our doorstep in Chiseldon.  Artefacts of this age, rarely leave museums, so this is an exciting opportunity!  


Feeling left out?  Do not worry, you are invited to have a look after school.  Children can bring their parents in after school to see the artefacts.  Parents will need to wear a face mask or carry their exempt pass to enter the school premises.  This is really exciting and an opportunity for parents to come back into the school after such a long time away.  Parents and pupils will need to queue outside the main entrance door and we will admit limited numbers at a time to see the artefacts.  You will leave the hall via the hall door onto the playground so that we are all keeping ourselves as safe as we can.


Please come along and support this event, as it is through support that these opportunities can take place.  I am very excited to see the museum come to life in our school - what a fabulous opportunity for all our pupils.


Stars of the Week

Nursery Colby D & Tymon J 🤩
Reception Amy Grace C & Arya C 🤩
Year 1 Jasper M & Lilly Mae L 🤩
Year 2 Charlie S & Bobby M 🤩
Year 3 Kayenna N & Beatrice WT 🤩
Year 4 Charlie C & Ewan C 🤩
Year 5 Desmond C & Raymond C 🤩
Year 6 Oma N & Esha B 🤩


Housepoint Winners

EYFS Roman E & Ben S 🥳
Key Stage 1 Calan D & Charlie S 🥳
Lower Key Stage 2 Kai F 🥳
Upper Key Stage 2 Esha B 🥳


The winning house this week is St George - well done all those in this house, what a great job!


I hope you have a lovely weekend


Mr A

