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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

I hope you have had a great week?  I know here at school we have been learning lots of different things, from adapting words in our sentence stacking to learning how we keep ourselves safe whilst online.  On Tuesday, the children took part in Internet Safety Day...Ask your child the four top tips to keep them safe whilst online.


Parent/Child meetings next week.  If you have not signed up for a meeting, please make sure you do this asap.  You would have been sent an email (so check junk) from This is not spam, this is from our website.


Next week is our final week of the term, therefore, the school will close at 1pm on Friday 18th February.  We come back to school on Monday 28th February 2022.


I will be answering emails concerning COViD only over the half-term break, so if you do test positive, please let me know using and I will respond as quickly as possible.  All other emails will be responded to on our return on Monday 28th February.


Stars of the Week

Nursery Eleanor T & Travis F 🤩
Reception Stanley H & Sebastian S 🤩
Year 1 Mackie C & Dylan O 🤩
Year 2 Jack P & Calan D 🤩
Year 3 George H & Max S 🤩
Year 4 Ellie D & Logan C 🤩
Year 5 Rihanna D & Finley L 🤩
Year 6 Ethan L & Luke R 🤩


Housepoint Winners

EYFS Amber E 🥳
Key Stage 1 Oliver S 🥳
Lower Key Stage 2 Samuel W & Alfie C 🥳
Upper Key Stage 2 Poppy B 🥳


Well done all of you.  The winning house this week is St. Patrick's!  


Attendance is: 93.86% 

National is: 93.8%

This week's winner with 100% attendance is Year 6!  Well done everyone.

The Y5 and Y6 girls took part in a football tournament this afternoon and I must say, that I now have no voice.  They played their socks off and it was a fabulous end to the week!  Well done to all the girls who represented the school ⚽️🤩


Next Week

Tuesday and Wednesday are our parent/child meetings - see above.  Thursday we have our Maths Whiz competition where we encourage all pupils to take part in as Maths is great fun!


Have a fantastic weekend.


Mr A
