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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

Another week and more changes to the COViD rules and how we keep you up to date with everything that is going on.  In relation to school time, if you let us know the day the lft is positive, we will calculate days 5 and 6 for you and the earliest your child can return to school.  This is placed in the register under the COViD-19 code - and to help children who are at home, these days off are not calculated in the Gold, Silver, Bronze certificates that are due in April.


If your child is off and is poorly they do not need to complete any assignments on Teams.  However, if they do not have any symptoms and do not feel unwell, you can of course access assignments on Teams.


Next Academic Year

I am looking at the term dates for next year and placing our TD days where we think we may need to have them.  As soon as I have finished, I will publish them on the website.


Stars of the Week

Nursery Tymon J & Oliver L 🤩
Reception Aubree D & Daisy M 🤩
Year 1 Charlie A & Jack T 🤩
Year 2 Tayla P & Ryker H 🤩
Year 3 Isla-Rose S & Regina R 🤩
Year 4 Beau D & Teddy C 🤩
Year 5 Jack T & Oscar N 🤩
Year 6 Thomas TA & Fraser L 🤩


Housepoint Winners

EYFS Aubree D 🥳
Key Stage 1 Vanessa P 🥳
Lower Key Stage 2 Beau D 🥳
Upper Key Stage 2 Rayyan Z 🥳



May I just remind parents of the uniform policy and what children should be coming into school wearing.

White polo shirt (with or without logo)

Red jumper, cardigan, fleece (with or without logo)

grey/black trousers, skirts (must be knee-length), pinafores 

grey/black socks

white/red/grey/black tights

Black shoes.  These should not be trainers.  Trainers are required for the mile run, which all children take part in daily.


Now that shops are fully open, we are not expecting pupils to come into school without uniform.  If you are waiting for delivery, a note/conversation with me or the class teacher letting us know would be gratefully received.


Uniform helps pupils follow school rules, not worry about the latest fashion/trends, and gives a sense of belonging. 



Reception is this week's attendance winners, with 95.24% - well done.


Whole school attendance is currently: 93.82%

National: 94.4%, so we are slightly behind the national data at the moment.


I hope you have a lovely weekend, enjoying some much-loved family time.


Mr A
