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Happy New Year Blog

Welcome Back.

Happy New Year 🥳🎊🎉


I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and a welcomed start to the New Year.  I cannot believe that we are in 2024.  I will have been HT at the school in April for 11 years.  Where did that time go?



I know that we are having some teething problems with Arbor.  We are working as quickly as possible to ensure all these issues are corrected quickly.  If you have not connected to Arbor yet, you should have received an email from Arbor with your code.  If you have not had this, then we do not have the correct email address for you.  Please come into the office and we will update this for you.


The children have settled in well and it is lovely to see them all back and in school uniform.  If you are unsure about the uniform you can see what your child should be wearing HERE


Well done to all the children that have been active on Doodle over the holidays.  We have had emails about children completing 50 days, 100 days, 250 days, 365 days and 500 days streaks!  That is just amazing!  Keep up the good work.  I do not know what I am going to do when the first child gets to 1000 days.


In other news...

Next week, some Year 5 & Year 6 girls will be representing the school in a football tournament.  Let's hope we win 🏆


Later in the term

Y4 are going on a trip to the Steam Museum.

There is a Y3/4 football tournament.

Year 4 Class assembly.

Parent meetings

Maths Whiz

and of course our Topic celebration.


The term ends on Friday 9th February.


That is it from me.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I will see you next week.


Mr A

