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End of Term & World Book Day

Wow!  What an amazing start to the day, yesterday, seeing all the wonderful bright and sparkling costumes coming into school.  Well done to all those that have taken part.


Well done to the parents who joined in and wore something sparkly; see our pictures below.


Easter Break

As we begin to move out of lockdown in the country, it is important to make sure that we maintain our space, keep our face covered, and stop the spread.  There are still lots of our staff that have not have the vaccination, so please remain safe over the Easter break.


I have to be on duty until April 7th, so if anyone does test positive over the next few days, could you please notify me, using my email:, so that I can notify everyone in the hub that there has been a positive case.


See poster in pictures at the end of the article.


Back to School

We come back to school on Monday 19th April 2021.  The measures that are in place, will continue the first week back.  Face masks when you. come on to site, keeping 2 meters apart, hubs are the same EYFS, Y1/Y2, Y3/Y4, Y5/Y6.  


I will then write the new roadmap that will come out during the first week as the country opens back up.  I am waiting until this point to make sure that we are still on track.  


Hot Meals

Our hot meals are changing after the Easter break.  I will send a letter out to you all, but this is a reminder that, to help us not waste food or money, we are asking that you book hot dinners a week in advance.  You will need to use ParentPay and order dinners by Wednesday each week, for the following week.  Please do not worry about the first few weeks back, you can book hot meals daily until Friday 30th April.  After this, you will need to make sure that you have booked your hot meals for the following week by Wednesday 28th April, via ParentPay.  If you are already in credit, Mrs Hughes will move this around once we are back.  


Thank you for your help in reducing our waste.


Behaviour Certificates

Our certificates are out today, ranging from Bronze, Silver and Gold.  All children have done extremely well.  This term we have taken in to account online learning (the behaviour they showed there), homework, and how they have returned to school.


Below are some pictures of our children who achieved Gold.


I do hope that you have a wonderful Easter break, I know the staff, children and I are looking forward to some downtime and time to be with our families.  Thank you to all the staff here at Chiseldon, once again, they have shown their dedication and commitment to the children's learning and providing experiences that go above and beyond.


I also want to thank the cleaners and site manager for all their extra hard work in keeping our school a safe environment for our children to learn.


Please remember, if you do have a positive test before April 7th, please email me using: as I have to notify each hub.
