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  • The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

    Fri 30 Jun 2023 Mr A

    I hope you are well and filled with excitement as we approach the end of another fantastic week at our school. It has been a whirlwind of activities, accomplishments, and memorable experiences for our children across all year groups. Let's dive into some of the highlights!


    Transition Days for Year 6: Our Year 6 children have just completed their much-anticipated transition days at Ridgeway, and I couldn't be prouder of them. They displayed impeccable behaviour, looked smart in their uniforms, and represented our school excellently. I have received numerous positive feedback from Ridgeway, acknowledging our children's maturity, enthusiasm, and readiness for the next chapter of their education. Well done, Year 6!


    Y1 Parent Assembly on the World Cup: Our Year 1 children have left us all astounded with their incredible performance in the parent assembly. They showcased their knowledge about continents, oceans, and various countries through their engaging World Cup-themed topic. It was truly a sight to behold, witnessing their enthusiasm and the amount of learning they have achieved. A big round of applause to our Year 1 children and their dedicated teacher for their hard work and dedication!


    Exciting Visits for Our Youngest Children: Our youngest learners have been on quite an adventure this week. First, they had the privilege of a visit from the police. The officers engaged with our children, educating them about safety, community, and the vital role they play in keeping us all secure. Our children were thrilled to interact with the police officers and learn about their work.


    Additionally, our little ones embarked on a visit to our local church, immersing themselves in its history and significance. This experience not only deepened their understanding of different places of worship but also encouraged them to embrace the diverse cultural fabric of our community. I am grateful to the church and its members for warmly welcoming our children and fostering an atmosphere of inclusivity.


    As we conclude this week filled with exciting events, it is important to acknowledge the efforts of our dedicated staff, without whom these experiences wouldn't be possible. Their commitment to providing a well-rounded education beyond the classroom is commendable.


    Looking ahead, we have an array of upcoming events and activities to look forward to, including our summer fair, sports day, and various end-of-year celebrations. It promises to be a delightful conclusion to the academic year, celebrating the achievements and growth of our incredible children.


    Stars of the Week

    Nursery Lily H & Harrison T 🤩
    Reception Zayn I & Elena FK 🤩
    Year 1 Eva D & Skyla L 🤩
    Year 2 Enhar T & Molly M 🤩
    Year 3 James W & Naveena C 🤩
    Year 4 Harley S & Imogen D 🤩
    Year 5 Kai S & Hannah S 🤩
    Year 6 Laila H & Robert R 🤩
    Computing Sasha C, Sophie D, Hannah S 🤩

    You can see some of their amazing work HERE


    Housepoint Winners

    EYFS Samuel T, Oliver L, Zayn I, Lyla DS 🥳
    Key Stage 1 Ethan S 🥳
    Lower Key Stage 2 Mollie C 🥳
    Upper Key Stage 2 Callum H 🥳

    Well done on achieving lots of housepoints for your house.


    The winning house this week with 324 housepoints is St. George 🇬🇬

    2nd St Andrew

    3rd St Patrick

    4th St David



    This week's winner with 98.5% is Nursery 🏆 Well done to our youngest pupils for being in school every day.


    Whole school attendance is 94.81%.  Well done on improving attendance in school again.  This puts our school above the national average this year and above the average for Swindon.  Keep going everyone, only 3 weeks to go.


    Top Doodlers

    Well done to Ethan S & Mollie C for achieving a 50-day streak in Doodle Maths.


    Maths: Year 3 🧮

    Spell: Year 3 📝


    In other news...


    EYFS Sports Day - starts at 9am

    KS1 Sports Day - starts at 13:30



    Transition day with next year's teacher pt2

    Y6 going to Bishopstone Primary to watch the end-of-year show.



    KS2 Sports Day - starts at 13:30



    Our summer fair.  Come along and listen to some music whilst enjoying Pimms 🥂 in the sunshine.  Plenty to keep the children occupied and then the children can come back at 18:30 for our camping night.

  • The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

    Fri 23 Jun 2023 Mr A

    I hope that you have had a good week and that you are enjoying the lovely weather that we are having at the moment.  I know the children at school are definitely enjoying the weather with having water fights.  I do not know who is enjoying it more, the children, or Mr Baden and Mr Timlin?


    I have written down our guidelines for hot dinners and lunches at school, which you can read below to help you understand what is happening at school and what is not allowed in lunch boxes at school.  After reading this, if you have any queries, please feel free to contact me and I will go through this with you.


    Understanding Hot Dinners and Lunches at School: A Guide for Parents


    As a nut-free school, we prioritise the safety and well-being of all our pupils. In this blog post, we aim to address some common queries regarding lunchtime expectations at our school. We follow government guidelines to ensure that our pupils receive a balanced and nutritious meal while also allowing them time to engage in outdoor play. Let's delve into the details.


    Hot Dinners: Nut-Free and Vegetable Requirements

    We regret to inform you that due to our nut-free policy, we cannot permit any nuts or products containing nuts, including Nutella chocolate spread, to the school premises. This policy is in place to safeguard children with nut allergies and maintain a safe environment for all pupils.


    If your child opts for a hot dinner, they will be required to consume a portion of vegetables as part of their meal. We offer two vegetable options alongside a variety of choices available at the salad bar. This ensures that pupils have access to a range of healthy options and encourages them to make nutritious food choices.


    Promoting Healthy Eating Habits

    We believe that instilling healthy eating habits from an early age is essential for the well-being and development of our pupils. Therefore, all children are encouraged to eat a substantial and balanced portion of their meal before they are allowed to go outside and play. This approach helps promote a healthy lifestyle and ensures that children receive the necessary nutrition to support their growth and learning.


    Packed Lunch Guidelines

    If you choose to provide a packed lunch for your child, we kindly request that it adheres to our healthy eating guidelines. A well-rounded packed lunch should include a substantial item such as a sandwich, pasta, roll, or crackers. Additionally, including a serving of fruit is important to promote a balanced diet.


    As per Government regulations, pupils may have one chocolate bar and one packet of crisps (or a similar snack) in their packed lunch. However, it's crucial to note that children are not allowed to have more than one chocolate bar or packet of crisps during lunch. These guidelines aim to strike a balance between providing some treats and maintaining a focus on overall health and nutrition.


    Encouraging Healthy Lunchtime Habits

    Similar to the approach with hot dinners, we strongly encourage pupils with packed lunches to consume a healthy portion of their meal before going outside to play. This practice helps ensure that children receive the necessary nutrients for optimal energy levels and concentration throughout the school day.


    OPAL and Balancing Playtime and Meals

    As you know, at our school, we have introduced a program called OPAL, which focuses on providing ample playtime for pupils. We understand that children are eager to engage in outdoor activities, but it is crucial to strike a balance between playtime and nutritional intake. To ensure this balance, all children are expected to finish a healthy portion of their lunch before being allowed to join their peers in outdoor play.



    We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to our school lunch guidelines. By prioritising a nut-free environment and promoting healthy eating habits, we aim to create a safe and nurturing space for our pupils. Should you feel that your child requires additional snacks throughout the day, please communicate your concerns to the class teacher, who will pass the information on to our Midday Supervisory Assistants (MDSAs). Together, we can foster a positive and healthy lunchtime experience for all our pupils.


    Thank you for your support in promoting the well-being of our school community.


    Stars of the Week

    Nursery Ronnie F & Arla DS 🤩
    Reception Lucas O & Ben S 🤩
    Year 1 Sebastian S & Sebastian P 🤩
    Year 2 Charlie A & Benjamin RP 🤩
    Year 3 Charlie S & Lucas L 🤩
    Year 4 Jaxon C & Thomas C 🤩
    Year 5 Teddy C & Sophie D 🤩
    Year 6 Desmond C & Ruban N 🤩
    Computing  Rayyan Z 🤩

    Well done on working hard throughout the week.


    Housepoint Winners

    EYFS Hunter T 🥳
    Key Stage 1 Chloe A 🥳
    Lower Key Stage 2 Lucas L 🥳
    Upper Key Stage 2 George G 🥳

    Super job earning plenty of housepoints for your house.


    The winning house this week with 335 housepoints is St. David's 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


    2nd  St Patrick

    3rd  St Andrew

    4th  St George


    Top Doodlers

    Well done to Chloe A & Lucas L for achieving a 50-day streak in Doodle Maths and Spell.


    This week we are celebrating three children that have achieved a massive 365-day streak in Doodle Maths.  They have not missed a single day.  Well done to Charlie F, Castor S, & Zachary D - super proud of all three of you.


    We have some of our younger children that are almost on a 365 days, so keep looking out for their names.


    Maths: Year 5 🧮

    Spell: Year 5 📝



    This week's winner with 97.33% is Year 6 🏆 - well done for being in school.


    Whole school attendance is 94.76% - keep going and I am sure that we can get to 95% by the end of the school year.


    In other news...

    Next week we see our Y6 pupils go to their secondary school on Wednesday and Thursday for their transition days - we wish you all the very best, and we are sure that you will have a super time.  Remember, you need to wear a Chiseldon school uniform.


    On Wednesday, our children will be meeting their new teacher for September and we ask nursery children who are due to start Reception in September to come in for the day.  I will then send an email to all parents letting you know which teachers are where.


    I hope you have a lovely weekend.

    Mr A



  • The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

    Fri 16 Jun 2023 Mr A

    The blog is back!  Thank you for your understanding last week as I we were late back from our trip to Berlin.


    Well done to all Y2 pupils for a fabulous class assembly yesterday - you smashed it!  


    Our trip to Berlin was amazing - the pupils represented the school beautifully throughout the week and had great fun with their penpals.  This trip is truly an educational experience and allows our pupils to put their German to the test.  Year 5, details about next year's trip will be coming out soon.  If you haven't seen any of the pictures, please see our Facebook group.


    Stars of the Week

    Nursery Kolby L & Hunter T 🤩
    Reception Tymon J & Natalia L 🤩
    Year 1 Imogen L & Daisy M 🤩
    Year 2 George H & Numa L 🤩
    Year 3 Alfie R & Calan D 🤩
    Year 4 Indigo P & Bobby A 🤩
    Year 5 Neya L & Ellie D 🤩
    Year 6 Poppy L & Finley L 🤩
    Computing  Tayla P 🤩

    Well done on working very hard and impressing your teacher.


    Housepoint Winners

    EYFS Teddy S 🥳
    Key Stage One Savannah T 🥳
    Lower Key Stage Two Darian S 🥳
    Upper Key Stage Two Rayyan Z 🥳

    Well done on earning lots of housepoints for your house.


    The winning house this week is St. David 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Super going.


    2nd  St George

    3rd  St Patrick

    4th  St Andrew


    Top Doodlers

    This week we have celebrated those that have a 50-day or 100-day streak as we were not here last week to celebrate with them.


    250-day streak: well done to George G, Chloe A, & Hugh R for achieving this milestone.


    Maths: Year 2 🧮

    Spell: Year 5 📝



    This week's winner with 97.74% is Year 1 🏆 super stuff being in school every day.


    Whole school attendance is 94.75%.  This is improving so keep up the good work of being in school every day.


    In other news...

    I hope you all have a lovely weekend and if you celebrate Father's Day, I hope you have a truly lovely day.


    Next week, all years will be completing the end-of-year tests, so please make sure that your child attends school every day so that we can aid teacher assessment with their end-of-year test.


    We have implemented some water activities in our Opal play.  If your child would like to take part, they need to change into their PE kit, so that they are able to change back and be dry ready for learning. 


    From Wednesday 28th June we will be doing our transition days again.  This means that for 3 Wednesdays the children will be working with their teacher for next year.  This is a great opportunity for both the teacher and pupil to get to know each other ready for September.


    All being well and the weather not too hot or raining, our sports day is as follows:

    EYFS: Monday 3rd July 09:00

    KS1: Monday 3rd July 13:30

    KS2: Thursday 6th July 13:30


    Our summer fair, which does include our camping night is Friday 7th July 2023.


    That is it from me this week.  Have a super weekend and we will see you on Monday.


    Mr A
