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Week 5 02/10./23

Well done on another fantastic week!


This week we have been rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000, we have also been learning how to read roman numerals. The children have worked incredibly hard on all of this, so well done. In English we have been planning our story that is based on the Disney short movie 'Feast' and have been writing our mystery box based on Black History Month. 


In Science we have been learning about flowering and non-flowering plants and how we can use a classification to correctly identify them. In Topic we have been finishing our animations ensuring that they have enough photographs and that they have included everything they wanted to. In German we have been learning opposites such as in and out and yes and no. 


Spellings this week are: Expansion, extension, comprehension, tension, corrosion, supervision, fusion, conclusion, persuasion, suspension. 

