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After School Care

Welcome to our Afterschool Provision.


We offer the wrap around service from 3.25pm until 6.00pm, all week.  Collection after this time, there will be £5 cost for every 15 minutes late.  We will be running this service from Monday to Friday


As of September 2020 Monday - Thursday

The cost for a mini i.e 3.25pm - 4.45pm is £6

The cost for a max i.e 3.25pm - 6.00pm is £12


As of April 2021 Friday

The cost for a mini i.e 1.00pm - 4.45pm is £15

The cost for a max i.e 1.00pm - 6.00pm is £20


Below is the form you need to complete if you would like to book afterschool provision.  Please either bring it in to the school office or email it directly to me -


If you need to contact the staff at the After School Club by phone the number you need is 07809 330085

Terms & Conditions

After School Club Menu & Information
