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Welcome Back & Weekly News

Welcome Back

Welcome everyone to Term 5 and the summer!  I have asked the staff this term to focus on the Royal Family and the death of HRH Prince Philip.  This is built around the history curriculum and how they Family are made up and our Constitutional Monarchy - this is around British Values that all schools need to teach their children.


I hope that you have managed to have a relaxing Easter break and were able to enjoy the weather and the new freedoms that came with some aspects of lockdown coming to an end.


You may have noticed that Mr Timlin has been busy with contractors over the Easter working on repairing the Year 3 classroom floor and a new carpet in place.  He has also made sure that we have adequate laptops and laptop trollies to help us meet and go beyond our duty with the computing curriculum - a big thank you to him for his continued hard work.


Over the next few weeks, he will be working on completing our outdoor library area, which we now have the equipment to finish, and develop our mental health rooms that children can use if they feel the need during break and lunch times.


We look forward to a great two summer terms with lots of learning, fun and time outdoors in the good weather.


Please stay safe

Mr A


Stars of the Week

Nursery: Charlie H & Savannah

Reception: Louis & Jasper

Year 1: Phoebe & Ryker

Year 2: John & Willow

Year 3: George & Kai

Year 4: Castor & Rayyan

Year 5: Ashton & Ethan

Year 6: Daniel & Kara


National Survey of Children, The Big Ask

The new Children's Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel de Souza, has today launched The Big Ask - the largest ever consultation with children aged 4 to 17 in England.  It aims to find out children's concerns and aspirations about the future, so that we can put children at the heart of our country's recovery from the coronavirus (COViD-19) outbreak.


All schools are encouraged to support their pupils to complete the survey.  A range of teaching resources have also been produced, including lesson plans and activity packs, to help teachers incorporate this into their lessons.


Parents, care leavers, and those working with children are also invited to complete the adult survey to share their views about the future for children and young people today, and what they think is holding young people back.


The results of this survey will help the Children's Commissioner identify the barriers preventing children from reaching their potential, put forward solutions and set ambitious goals for the country to achieve. 


Aiming High Consultation 2021

Swindon Borough Council working with Swindon SEND Families Voice.


The Aiming High Team provide opportunities for children and young people with disabilities to enjoy social and leisure activities outside of school hours, whilst giving parents and carers a short break from caring.  This is sometimes called 'short breaks.'  Aiming High is for children and young people with disabilities up to their 18th birthday.


All local authorities must have a Short Breaks Statement to explain the range of short breaks services provided in the area, any criteria and how services are designed to meet the needs of carers.  Swindon's Short Break Statement is due for review.  We have been working with Swindon SEND Families Voice to review the Aiming High service.  Now we want to make sure you have the chance to give your views.


We want to ensure this consultation is shared as widely as possible.  Please share this information with families, service providers and any other interested parties.


Have your say: You can view and respond to the consultation here:

Aiming High Survey


If you require a paper copy of the consultation, please contact Aiming High.  You can also sign up for a virtual session - an informal opportunity to hear more about the proposals, ask questions and share your views:

Monday 26th April 2021, 19:30 to 20:30

Wednesday 28th April 2021, 10:00 to 11:00

The consultation will run from Tuesday 13th April 2021 to Tuesday 11th May 2021.

Tel: 01793 464080





Tues Wed Thur Fri






St. George's Day

Celebration Assembly








Celebration Assembly


School Closed




Bike to school


World Maths Day



Celebration Assembly

VE Day

10 11 12 13


Celebration Assembly

Pyjamarama Day

17 18 19 20


Celebration Assembly

24 25 26 27


Celebration Assembly

