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Transition Days...

Good afternoon everyone,

Welcome back to the final term of the year.  I do hope that you have had a restful half term and managed to have some fun family time - I know that I enjoyed spending time with my children and a little bit of sunshine too.

Transition Days

As mentioned in previous blogs, I am planning to have transition days for the children this year, to help them be prepared for September.  This will allow them to get to know their class teacher for next year.


Starting on Wednesday 23rd June and every Wednesday thereafter, the children will be in the their new class and completing some catch up work with the new teacher.  This will allow the teaching staff to fully assess the children and put measures in place to support their learning when we return in September.


The children will find out their new teachers on Friday 18th June ready for the following Wednesday.  I will then put this information to parents in my weekly blog.


Stars of the Week

Nursery Ben S & Samuel T
Reception Vanessa & George H
Year 1 Guney & Robert
Year 2 Neve & Jaxon
Year 3 Jacob & Eymen
Year 4 Freya & Castor
Year 5 Luke & Fraser
Year 6 Drew & Isla & Harry B


Housepoint Winners

EYFS Vanessa, Niamh, Tristan, & Charlie A
Key Stage 1 Tayla, Rumaisa, Jack P, & Güney 
Lower Key Stage 2 Ewan, Sasha, George G, & Rosie
Upper Key Stage 2 Suri



If you have any ideas that you would like to see in my blog, please feel free to suggest items.  You can do this by emailing me: or if your child has done something amazing out of school and you want me to include this in the blog, please email me the Information and photos and I will of course mention them in the blog.


COViD-19 Update

Currently there are no changes to our safety measures.  This means that there are no face-to-face meetings with staff, unless this is in relation to SEN.  Where face-to-face meetings are happening for SEN, we require a lateral flow test to be carried out 30 minutes before the meeting.  Our hubs are staying in place to keep everyone safe and the weekly fogging of the school is still happening to make sure that we keep the virus out.  if you have any symptoms, please get a test as quickly as possible and your children must STAY at home whilst you wait for the results.  In the event of a positive test, you need to let me know as quickly as possible, so that I am able to close the hubs and inform all parents.  You can contact me via telephone: 01793 740349 or by email:  During the pandemic, the email is monitored during holiday and weekends.  However, I will only respond to email regarding COViD.  All other emails will be subjected to the 48 hour timescale.  Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.


Hot Weather

As we are now experiencing some sun and warmer weather, may I please remind parents that children must come to school with a cap/hat (this should be red) to wear outside.  If it is a particularly hot day, children will not be allowed outside if they do not have a hat with them.  May I also ask that parents provide sun cream on hot days to protect the children.  thank you.


And talking about hot weather, the sun is meant to be shining all weekend, so I do hope you have a lovely time, relax and enjoy some great family time and memories.


Mr A
