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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

Welcome back.

I hope that you have had a wonderful summer and are slowly getting back into the routine of school.  It is always hard the first week back to make sure that we are up-to-date, reading the app messages, and PE days and having everything prepared.


We have set next Wednesday as meet the teacher afternoon, 4 pm to 5 pm.  This will help you get to know school expectations around reading and homework and what lies ahead for your child for the year.


If you are not getting all our messages, you need to make sure that you have the ScholarPack App, as we do not send text messages out and make sure that the school has an email address as lots of our communication comes via this form of media.


Stars of the Week

EYFS Aida Rose H & Marlon S 🤩
Year 1 Lucas O & Corey B 🤩
Year 2 Molly B & Eva D 🤩
Year 3 Lilly Mae L & George H 🤩
Year 4 Jack P & Naveena C 🤩
Year 5 Beatrice WT & Iyla T 🤩
Year 6 Ted V & Charlie C 🤩

Well done on achieving so well on the first week back.  You can see some of the work HERE


Housepoint Winners

EYFS Arthur H 🥳
Key Stage One Oliver Leighfield 🥳
Lower Key Stage Two Lucas Leighfield 🥳
Upper Key Stage Two Alfie Cooze 🥳

Super start earning plenty of housepoints for your house.


The winning house this week with 285 housepoints, is St. Patrick's 🇮🇪

2nd  St. David

3rd  St. Andrew

4th  St. George 


Top Doodlers

What a busy summer some of you have had with keeping up with your doodling.

50 Day Streak

Alfie C 📝

Arthur WT 🧮


100 Day Streak

Oliver L, Mollie C, Chloe A, Lucas L 🧮

Lucas L 📝


250 Day Streak

Phoebe D 📝


365 Day Streak

Esmae D 📝

Zayn I, Imogen D, Alfie R 🧮



The winning class with 98.79% is EYFS - super start to the year - let us keep this going.


Whole school attendance is 95.37%.  Not a bad start to the year, let us see if we can improve this further.


In other news...


School Photos - siblings from 08:30 if they do not attend school.  If they attend school they will be done together, so you do not need to worry.



16:00 Meet the teacher 


Have a super weekend.  It looks like it is going to be lovely and we are getting a bit of sunshine before Autumn and Winter hit.


Mr A

