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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

Christmas has arrived in school this week - with beautiful decorations, donated by The Wheatstone Inn, Gloucester, who continually fundraise for the school, to a beautiful Nativity performed by our youngest children, to Christmas jumper day and our wonderful Christmas dinner.


Stars of the Week

Nursery Alex S & Marlon S 🤩
Reception Zayne S & Elena FK 🤩
Year 1 Poppy M & Molly B 🤩
Year 2 Jack T & Jasper M 🤩
Year 3 Amelle D & Jibril S 🤩
Year 4 Elisey G & John H 🤩
Year 5 Ted V & Hannah S 🤩
Year 6 Steven J & Laila H 🤩


See some of the amazing work here

Housepoint Winners

EYFS Samuel T, Corey B, Tymon J 🥳
Key Stage One Numa L 🥳
Lower Key Stage Two Amelle D 🥳
Upper Key Stage Two Luisa EM 🥳


You are all awesome and have earned some needed points for your house.  This week's winning house is St. Patrick 🇮🇪, well done!

2nd: St. Andrew

3rd: St. David

4th: St. George


Top Doodling Class

Maths: Y2

Spell: Y3 & Y5


Fantastic job everyone for keeping up the excellent doodling.


Doodle Competition Winners:

Congratulations to the following children for completing the months challenge of times tables.  The lucky winners are:

Ava TA, Castor S, Esther BM, Ewan C, George G, Lyla A, Sidney M, Imogen D, Lucas L, Mollie C, Theo R, Sophie K, William S, Arthur WT.


Awesome stuff and we will be celebrating your success during Monday's assembly.



The winning class this week with 95.7% is Nursery 🏆 You are all superstars.


Whole school attendance has dropped due to chicken pox and seasonal flu.  It currently is 94.3%


In other news...


17:00 KS1 Christmas Nativity 



09:30 KS1 Christmas Nativity 



09:00 KS2 Christmas Show

17:00 KS2 Christmas Show



09:00 Spelling Bee

15:30 Christmas Disco (finishes at 17:00)



There are no Friday clubs this week.

13:00 Christmas Fair

