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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

What a difference the weather makes to a week in school.  The sun has been out and this has coincided with our removing bubbles at break and lunchtimes, which has proved to be a success. The children have really enjoyed sharing playtime and lunchtime together.


A gentle reminder as the sun is now shining, children will need to have a hat in school to be able to go out at playtime and lunchtime. 


TD Day

I can now confirm that our final TD Day will be Monday 16th May.  During this meeting, the staff will be being trained by the school nurse to make sure that we are up-to-date with all the medical training that is now required by teaching staff.  Staff will also be looking at how we can become a dyslexia friendly school, updating our ways of working for pupils with SEN, and how we include parents more with the writing of IEPs.


COViD Restriction relaxed further.

Next week whole school assemblies will start again.  This will enhance the children mixing and sharing things together and sharing ideas.  It has been far too long without whole school assemblies, so I am extremely pleased to announce that they are back from Monday.


I would like to keep face to face meetings to a minimum for another week with parents unless this relates to behaviour or SEND, which of course we will meet in person.  Hopefully, if things continue, I will be able to relax face to face meetings the following week.  We are on track to remove all restrictions by the time we break for Easter, which is Friday 8th April.


Stars of the Week

Nursery Tymon J & Teddy S 🤩
Reception Freddie C & Sebastian P 🤩
Year 1 Oliver S & Reuben J 🤩
Year 2 Mbale M & Alfie R 🤩
Year 3 Iyla T & Max S 🤩
Year 4 Alfie C & Sidney M 🤩
Year 5 Rayyan Z & Luisa EM 🤩
Year 6 Farley D & Elle W 🤩


Housepoint Winners

EYFS Natalia L, Ben S, Rico P 🥳
Key Stage 1 Theo R 🥳
Lower Key Stage 2 Max S 🥳
Upper Key Stage 2 Fraser L 🥳


The winning house this week is: St. George 🇬🇬



This week's winner with 98.25% is Reception!  Well done children.


Whole school attendance currently is: 94.25%, which is now in line with National data - well-done everyone.  And we are currently 0.4% above the average for Swindon.


Next week...

We welcome back Shakespeare week.  This event is great for all the children as they find out about the different plays that Shakespeare wrote and this year we are adding the additional section to find out about his life.  On Friday, children can come dressed as a person from the Elizabethan era, a character from the play they are studying, a character from any play that Shakespeare wrote, and if they would prefer not to dress up, then come to school in their uniform.


I hope that you have a super weekend and enjoy this glorious sunshine that we are experiencing at the moment.


Mr A
