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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

Thank Crunchie, it's Friday! (although I posted this today, Saturday).  What a week.  Mr H and I have enjoyed cooking all week but it was lovely to see our Chef and Kitchen assistant back on Friday, working their magic for a lovely sausage and chip lunch.


We are now back fully staffed (touch wood) that is how it will stay as we lead into the final two weeks of term.  Let us hope that we as we now come into the end of the winter months, so COViD will have less of an impact across the school.


Parent/Child Meeting

During the last week of term, Tuesday & Wednesday, it is our parent/child meetings to discuss how things have gone over the course of the term for your child.  We will also comment on behaviour, COViD impact, and what they need to do next - so please make sure that you book an appointment once these are released.


These meetings in November, and February, along with the reports in December, April and July is how we keep you up-to-date with your child's progress.


Stars of the Week

Nursery Elena FK & Zayn I 🤩
Reception Freddie C & Poppy M 🤩
Year 1 Vanessa P & Jasper M 🤩
Year 2 Mbale M & Rumaisa S 🤩
Year 3 Leo B & Amelia H 🤩
Year 4 Lyla A & Sasha C 🤩
Year 5 Thor T & Harvey D 🤩
Year 6 Elle W & Ashton B 🤩


Housepoint Winners

EYFS Stanley H 🥳
Key Stage One Junior T & Mbale M 🥳
Lower Key Stage Two Beau D 🥳
Upper Key Stage Two Harvey D 🥳



Our whole school attendance is 93.76%
