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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more..

Another week and we have some announcements to make regarding staffing at the school.  Miss Swift, in our nursery, has decided to take a different career path and become a carer for the NHS.  We wish her all the very best on her new adventure.  Mr Hatcliffe will move to the nursery for the am session to deliver the teaching and work with the nursery staff.  We have a student-teacher in year 1, Miss Walker, who will be with us until March.   As part of her course, she has to deliver a lot of the teaching and has some key tasks to complete.  She will work alongside Miss Harris.


Governing Board

The Governing Board.  We currently have two vacancies on our board of governors.  Unfortunately, it cannot be a parent as we currently have 3 parent governors but if you know anyone that is in HR or Finance or has knowledge of the curriculum and would like to join our board, can you please ask them to email either me or the Clerk,  Thank you.


COViD Update

Without tempting fate, we currently are fully staffed.  Staff test two times per week to make sure that we are not carrying the virus without realising it.  We remain in bubbles, EYFS, Y1 & Y2, Y3 & Y4, Y5 & Y6.  Break times and lunchtimes are staggered and we are not holding any whole school events (assemblies etc).  We are keeping our doors open and windows open to allow plenty of ventilation but each class does have a monitor from the government informing them of clean air and when they need to provide more ventilation.


I receive daily newsletters from the DfE in relation to COViD and what schools need to do to keep everyone safe.  As you know, if your child develops symptoms, they need to carry out an LFT.  There is no requirement at the moment to book a PCR to confirm the result.  Once you inform us of the date you completed the LFT, we will work out dates for you and let you know possible return dates to school.


Today, the DfE has released further guidance today around isolation.  It is as follows: From Monday, if you test positive on an LFT, you need to isolate for 5 days.  If on the 5th day you test and it is negative, you can test on the 6th day and if this is negative, you are able to return to school (again, please contact us and we will work out dates with you).  However, if you test on the 5th day and it is positive, you need to complete the full 10 days of isolation.  


Stars of the Week

Nursery Arthur H & Teddy S 🤩
Reception Bella-Rose B & Immie L 🤩
Year 1 Sophie KP & Junior T 🤩
Year 2 Alfie R & Theo R 🤩
Year 3 Jack B & Courtney R 🤩
Year 4 Poppy R & Sophie D 🤩
Year 5 Sophia B & Olivia J 🤩
Year 6 Harry D & Zuzanna K 🤩


Housepoint Winners

EYFS Ben S 🥳
Key Stage One Oscar S 🥳
Lower Key Stage Two Eymen T 🥳
Upper Key Stage Two Castor S & Ellie C 🥳



This week's winners with 100% attendance, is Year 4 - fabulous!  Great job 🏆

Whole school attendance has dropped slightly and is now at 94.3%, which is 1.8% below national figures.  Please make sure that your child is attending school regularly, to make the most of learning.


And as our image says, we get stronger as we work together during this time.


Have a fabulous weekend, I will see you on Monday.


Mr A


