Welcome to this week's blog.
I cannot believe that we are halfway through September already.
A quick reminder to Year 6 parents, you need to make sure that you are looking around secondary schools, and are ready to apply for a place by the end of October.
I know that Ridgeway School and The Deanery are offering tours around the school and St. Johns are offering virtual tours and meetings online. It is important that you select the correct secondary school for your child and that they will meet their needs.
Thank you so much for supporting the charity 'Maggie's, the Home of Cancer Care,' it really was wonderful to see so many children wearing orange. We raised a brilliant £200, which I will add to my donations already, which gives a total of £405, so far. I now have 73.93 miles to cycle before the end of September.
Stars of the Week 🤩
Nursery | Harrison & Eleanor 🤩 |
Reception | Immie & Bella-Rose 🤩 |
Year 1 | Reuben & Lilly-Mae 🤩 |
Year 2 | Calan & Jibril 🤩 |
Year 3 | Regina & Jonathan 🤩 |
Year 4 | Sophie D & William 🤩 |
Year 5 | Finley & Jack 🤩 |
Year 6 | Rocco & Poppy 🤩 |
Housepoint Winners 🧮
Well done to the following pupils, who get to have dinner with Mr H and I on Friday lunchtime.
EYFS | Frankie |
Key Stage 1 | Theo |
Lower Key Stage 2 | Sophie D |
Upper Key Stage 2 | Esha |
This week St. Andrew are the winning house and get to celebrate
The attendance trophy goes to Year 2, having achieved 96.6%
In other news...
What a lovely gesture! A very kind parent bought everyone an ice-pop during the hot weather. Every child in school has now had one. Thank you very much, this was extremely kind and the children enjoyed the ice.
What a Result
Well done to Miss Harris and Mrs Parmenter for a fantastic job on Thursday morning. They were visited by the Food Standard people from SBC and we have once again achieved the highest standard of 5. Amazing result and shows your hard work throughout each year, thank you 😊
Next Week...
Just a reminder that next Tuesday is school photograph day. If you would like a younger sibling to have a photograph with children in school, I am going to have to be rather strict.
To allow this to happen, you are going to have to wait outside the school reception and come in one at a time and exit through the Year 6 door and out via the school car park gates. The reason for this is, that SBC has said we need to limit the number of parents that are inside the building. if you could email Mrs Hughes, to let us know that you will be bringing a sibling just to give us some idea of numbers, that would be great, thank you.
I hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy what seems to be like a good Friday afternoon and Saturday, weather wise.
Mr A