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The weekly blog - keeping you up-to-date with school life; Stars of the Week; Housepoint winners and much more...

I hope you have had a wonderful week, the weather is making things easier.  We love the sunshine and I am glad it has finally arrived.


I am sorry that I have not been out the front recently.  Last week I was in Berlin and this week I have been off ill.  However, I am back now and will be at the gate welcoming you all as normal.  Just a gentle reminder that you need to come in via the big gate where Mr H and I stand and leave via the small gate - thank you for your understanding.


Just to note that the EYFS graduation is for the Reception class and not the Nursery as the EYFS curriculum continues until they leave Reception.


Stars of the Week

Nursery Demi S & Harmony HF 🤩
Reception Lucas S & Sachin B 🤩
Year 1 Ocean-May W & Oliver L 🤩
Year 2 Poppy M & Savannah T 🤩
Year 3 Tristan B & Oliver S 🤩
Year 4 Ayla A & Mollie C 🤩
Year 5 Leo B & Isla-Rose S 🤩
Year 6 Sasha C & Logan C 🤩

Well done to you all for all your hard work.


House Points

Our top house point winners this week are:

St.George Mollie C 🥳
St.David Ethan S 🥳
St.Patrick Jasper M 🥳
St.Andrew Theodore I 🥳


This week's winning house with 320 house points is St. Patrick's 🇮🇪 well done on earning lots of points for your house.

2nd  St. George

3rd  St. David

4th  St. Andrew



This week's winning class with 100% is Year 3 🏆 well done for having good attendance.


Whole school attendance is currently 94.97% This has now fallen below the 95%, let us see if we can get this back over the next few weeks.


Top Doodlers

50-day streak in English are: Mollie C, Jasper M, and Leon N

50-day streak in Maths are: Mollie C, Ethan S, Jasper M, Elliot M, & Leon N.

100-day streak for English and Maths is Tristan B

Fantastic job - keep up the good work.


Maths: Year 3 🧮

Spell:  Year 3 📝


In other news...


Years 1, 3, 4, and 5 will be sitting assessments next week.  This is not a big thing but helps with teacher assessments.




Year 6 Induction Day at Ridgeway.  If your child is not attending Ridgeway, they need to be in school.



Year 6 Induction Day at Ridgeway.  If your child is not attending Ridgeway, they need to be in school.


I hope you have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday.


Mr A
