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March 8th

Welcome to this week's update...


Hopefully you will have now had chance to see the roadmap back to school and the risk assessment that was promised ready for the reopening of the school on Monday 8th March.


Just to remind you that if you are coming on to the school site to drop your child/ren off, you will need to wear a face mask. 


I am sure that you are very excited about returning to school and I thought this little clip would bring a smile to your face: Bye Bye


Just a little reminder that there will be no school next Friday 5th March - this includes online learning.  Children, staff, and parents can all relax and have an extended weekend before saying, bye bye 😽 


Just a reminder: if you or anyone in your household have symptoms on or before Monday 8th March, you are not to bring them on to the school site.  You MUST book a test and let us know that you are not returning whilst you are waiting for test results.  It is imperative that we work together to make sure we all stay safe.  School staff have not had their injections yet, so we must protect our teachers and staff so that we can remain open and not have to close hubs.  


Have a wonderful weekend - 4 teaching days to go - you can do this!
