Good afternoon
I cannot believe how quickly the term is passing. Today we celebrate all our pupils who have had birthdays during January, February and March. They all received a lovely cup cake made by our lovely cook, Miss Harris and her fabulous assistant Mrs Parmenter - what a great pair!
We will continue our parties until the end of the school year, celebrating the last Friday in each month. For those children whose birthday falls in August, we will add their names to the celebrations in July.
Next Week
World Book Day. We are looking forward to celebrating our world book day and the theme is bright colours and sparkles. I do hope parents come along dressed in bright colours and sparkles too - we can grab some wonderful photos on the school gate. Staff will be coming as a colouring crayon - which colour will we be?
Just to remind parents that we break up next Thursday for the Easter break, giving staff and pupils two weeks off to recharge their batteries. We come back to school on Monday 19th April. Social distance measures will still be in place that week and I will release the new roadmap of how we are going to get back to some sort of normal school life as the country eases restrictions.
As we come to the end of Term 4, our end of term reports are due out, these should come direct to your email account as usual. If you have changed your email, please update us before Wednesday, when the reports will be sent home.
I hope you have a great weekend, albeit in lockdown - grab some exercise and enjoy nature.
Mr A