Another week has shot by and we are now in full swing for the term. Children are working hard and trying their best after being away from school for a long period of time. Just to remind you that this is a bank holiday weekend and therefore, we are not back in school until Tuesday 4th May. Although the weather is not looking great, I do hope that you have a wonderful long weekend.
Just to remind parents, that the behaviour policy is in place and although we are trying to think about what the children have been through and how long they have been out of school, the policy is being followed. If you do see a warning in your child's reading record, it would be good for you to follow this up with them and discuss how they can improve their behaviour. We are going along the positive route of awarding housepoints to those that are following the school rules.
If you feel that your child is struggling with being back at school, and you are worried about their mental health, please contact the inclusion team using the email: and we will work with you to support them in any way that we can. With recent changes to coronavirus restrictions, some young people may be struggling with their mental health. The impact of these changes will vary for each family and young person, but it's important that no matter how a child or young person is feeling during this challenging time, support is available to help them cope with the transition. We have pulled together some resources and services available locally and nationally to help young people acknowledge and recognise how they feel, learn where they can access support, and understand the importance of talking to someone and seeking help:
NHS Guidance on Mental Health & Self-care for young people: NHS Guidance on Mental Health
The Swindon Local Offer Page with lots of resources: Swindon Local Offer for Mental Health
I am pleased to say that we are working our way through children that may have fallen slightly behind due to the pandemic and have put interventions in place to support their learning. The rapid recovery curriculum is helping all our pupils manage their learning and ensuring they are in-line with where they should be for their age.
Have a great weekend, and we will see you on Tuesday.
Mr A
Reading & Homework
I have included some quotes about reading in the pictures below and the importance of the children a range of books for at least 20 minutes per night.
A little reminder that now that we are back to schooling, homework is back to how we were before the pandemic. Every child should be reading for 20 minutes per night and this should be recorded in the children's reading record. They should be practicing their weekly and termly spellings. Depending on your child's year group, they should be doing number bonds, times tables, or arithmetic daily.
Stars of the Week
EYFS: Alex W, Arthur H, Junior T, Benjamin RP.
Year 1: James W & Jude R
Year 2: Aurora-Joan CM & Amelia H
Year 3: Sidney R & Hannah LL
Year 4: Jack T & Laila H
Year 5: Thabo M & Elle W
Year 6: Bethan C & Ethan O
Well done to all our stars of the week - you truly are remarkable
Housepoint Weekly Winners
EYFS: Jack Taylor
KS1: Iyla Turay
LKS2: Jamie Lawson
UKS2: Beau Buckley, Bethan Clark, & Isla Vickers
Fabulous! You must have been working very hard!